Gosciu - warning history:
Tue 1:39, 14 Oct 2008: Wasza stara unwarned the user.
reason: zasluzyl
Tue 1:39, 14 Oct 2008: Wasza stara unwarned the user.
reason: zasluzyl.
Fri 23:27, 12 Sep 2008: Dynamite warned the user.
reason: Spamming
The post, because of which the user was warned, has been deleted.
Tue 0:22, 26 Aug 2008: Wasza stara unwarned the user.
reason: =
Sat 7:02, 16 Aug 2008: Wasza stara warned the user.
The post, because of which the user was warned, has been deleted.
Fri 3:28, 15 Aug 2008: Wasza stara warned the user.
reason: x
The post, because of which the user was warned, has been deleted.
Mon 4:22, 30 Jun 2008: Wasza stara unwarned the user.
reason: ;p
Wed 22:59, 23 Jan 2008: Robal warned the user.
The post, because of which the user was warned, has been deleted.
Mon 6:16, 21 Jan 2008: Wasza stara unwarned the user.
reason: Warn był nałożony niesłusznie.
Mon 2:15, 21 Jan 2008: Robal warned the user.
The post, because of which the user was warned, has been deleted.